An incredible country of proud, friendly, hardworking people. Jordan has very little in the way of natural elements (like Oil) so its people, who are well-educated, are it's greatest resource. Jordanians citizens range from the Bedouins, many of whom live in the desert regions to computer technicians living and working in Amman.

Jordan has archeological sites dating as far back as 4000 BC. Jerash, the largest Middle Eastern city of the Roman Empire, is in Jordan as is the ancient Nabatean city of Petra.

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan came into being after World War I and gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1946. Given Jordan’s geographical placement in the region and its lack of economic strength it has constantly walked a tightrope between its western supporters (Britain and the US), Israel, the Palestinians, and the rest of the Arab world. Since the ascendancy of King Hussein the throne in 1953 Jordan has been pro-western though this has been severely tested by two Israeli-Arab wars, in 1948 and 1967 and the Gulf War in 1991. Today roughly 60% of the population is made up of displaced Palestinians who have found refuge within Jordan following each of these conflicts.

Jordan is situated in a region that has been the stage of conflict and political and religious complexities for thousands of years.

The most significant of these conflicts was the Six-day War of 1967. In a time of escalating tensions within the region Jordan was forced to choose between joining the Arab Nation Forces led by Egypt and Syria or possibly face the severe internal conflict that would have been imposed by these same countries had Jordan chosen to stay out of the conflict. It is impossible to overemphasize the devastation this created to the Jordanian economy. In a matter of hours Jordan lost almost 50% of its agricultural land. Only 5% of the remaining land is arable and irrigation is a significant and constant problem. Before 1967 the West Bank produced 25% of Jordan's grain, 40% of the vegetables and 70% of the fruit produce and the percentage of the work force employed in agriculture declined from 37% in 1965 to 7% in 1987.

Industrialization has grown rapidly since the early 1960s, despite the problems associated with the 1967 war. Major industries include the refining of petroleum, the production of cement, phosphates and hydroelectric power. Other, rapidly expanding industries, both local and foreign-owned, include food processing, textiles, pharmaceutical goods, paper, sugar and glass making.

The major grain crops are wheat and barley, but these need to be heavily supplemented by foreign imports. Some fruit crops are grown for export; these include olives, figs, almonds, grapes and apricots. Main vegetable crops are tomatoes and cucumbers. The major livestock animal is the sheep, while cattle, goats and poultry are also reared.

The Jordanian Constitution was originally written in 1952. Jordan considers itself to be a constitutional hereditary monarchy with a parliamentary form of government. King Abdullah holds power over the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. A Prime Minister, who is appointed by the King and in turn appoints his own cabinet, heads the central government. The appointments of both the Prime Minister and the Cabinet are subject to the approval of the parliament.

The Parliament is made of an Upper House, which is appointed by the King and Lower House that is freely elected. The country is divided into a hierarchy of Governates (muhåfazåt), districts, and sub-districts whose officials are appointed by the Minister of the interior. The inhabitants of the towns in which they serve elect mayors and city councils

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