Final day on the bike and not a sore muscle to complain about. We hit the road early again and rode the original Route 66 (I admitted to Val that I had cleared out many a nightclub singing the song with various bands) to Kingman. Although there is lots of nice scenery today it's mostly abandoned gas stations and motels and of course RR tracks. The road was clear and the only other inhabitants awake were Prairie Dogs and bugs.
From Kingman we joined semi-trucks and RVs on the highway into Las Vegas. It was a straight shot over the Hoover Dam and into Vegas where we parked the bike for good (or at least until Chris heads back to Vegas to pick it up). The ride into Vegas was absolutely the worst part of the trip as we shared the road with speeding Sunday drivers and other blind wackos.
For a solid hour we rode alongside this guy, so we had to snap a picture
This is a circle around the sun. There's a lyric in here somewhere
Val looks for Prairie Dogs
Val took some pictures too. This is one of them.
We celebrated a safe end with a bottle of champagne at a restaurant in the Paris Hotel and attended Cirque de Soleil at the Bellagio, which was a treat and highly recommended. We hit the sack around midnight dreaming peacefully about the road, the dessert and the red rocks. Our flight back home was early the next morning. Chris would return two weeks later to bring the motorcycle back home. To see that trip, including the Alien Landing click below.